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This is really cool!


Deleted 28 days ago

I would recommend adding the doors I see in every mockup to the sprite atlas somewhere. If they're included in the pack I cannot find them

(1 edit)

Sorry for any inconvenience! I can confirm that the door sprites should be in the pack.

They aren’t on the core spritesheets for space and redundancy reasons, at least originally. Because I am revamping a lot of props, especially things like doors, to include animation, I have organized the file architecture of packs a little differently than before.

For yourself and anyone reading this, the place to find the doors (and other animated props/tiles) is “animated prop spritesheet” which is a folder in the pack structure.

If you still can’t find it, I would love screenshots to get a look at the folder contents for the pack you’ve downloaded. Maybe there is an issue I don’t know about.

All that said, I should also ask you if you would personally prefer non-animated instances of doors or similar included in the tilesets. This is of course possible, especially with the revamps where I am doing a lot of “alt” versions of tilesets to include variants of props and tiles. If there’s a need, even for convenience, to have these on the core tileset sheets, I can include them in future updates and in new packs with similar elements.

(1 edit)

Ah, yeah I didn't even think to look there. I can confirm I do have them in my pack. It's my personal opinion that for ease of use I'd include at least two frames (fully open and fully shut), since there are situations where using the animated prop doesn't make sense, so you don't want to import and spend time filling metadata for a whole other sprite sheet to only use one or two things. 

But I would consider it fine as is, my bad for not seeing those. It's worth saying I'm not an RPG maker guy, so my perspective is that of Unity + Godot users.


You’re probably right about including those frames and I have done exactly that in previous versions of this pack and existing versions of other packs. I try things slightly different some of the time so that I can see what works for people but I’m small so it’s slow going w/o much feedback. What you’re saying is very helpful and based on this alone, I’ll likely start to make sure even animated elements are represented somehow in the base tileset sheets.

Also totally understand about engine differences. I started out packaging this stuff in a loosely defined, generic sorta way (engine agnostic) but RPGmaker requires strict formatting and most of my early feedback was from RPGmaker users. As more of an RPGmaker user myself, it seemed to me that I could adhere to those formatting standards without causing any inconvenience to users who operate on less restrictive engines like Godot or Unity. Anything that lets you slice a spritesheet internally, basically. But that doesn’t mean I should neglect simple stuff that makes users like you have an easier time with my assets.

Please come back with any additional feedback or questions or issues in the future!

I'm incredibly stumped on how to convert these for use in RPG Maker MV. I've imported the 48x48 tiles into the tileset database but I can't get it to line up with auto-tiling. Does it just have to be done by hand? 

These do not include autotiles and should be used only in the A5, B, C, etc layers. This is a good reminder for me to include that information somewhere on these pages.

You would also want to make sure that the sheet is the correct size as every RPGmaker has default sheet sizes and anything not that won’t work. I included the scaled up assets for different RPGmakers, such as 32x32 for VXace and 48x48 for MV/Z.

To be honest, I expected to hear more feedback about this if the formatting didn’t work out, but aside from another person who had a case of user error, I haven’t really gotten a sense of how many people are using these assets for RPGmaker projects or not. This was also my first pack and I structure them differently now. I only include the 16x16 sheets and expect the user can upscale if need be.

I tried making an out of the box RPGmaker compatible series with Nine Realms but that project hasn’t sold much and one of the issues might be that the specific RPGmaker formatting isn’t really a selling feature. There’s also that there isn’t much content for that series yet.

Without more feedback, it is hard to tell. Thanks for yours and please ask any other questions you have.

Thanks for getting back so fast! I was drawn to the cyberpunk tilesets because I am making a game with this style and I really like yours compared to other modern tilesets I looked at :) Would you be up for a commission of an RPG Maker MV compatible version of the sets? If not that's ok, auto-tiling isn't necessary to use it by any means.

Hello! Yeah, I tend to prioritize comments on itch when I see ’em!

I’m glad you like my stuff and as for doing autotile commission for ya, I don’t see why not. Best place to start would be a breakdown of what you need, when you need it by, etc and I can quote you a fee from there.

This will probably get me going on more tile content for this theme, too.

looking great! makes me want to make a retro cyberpunk game.


Thanks! Stay tuned as I add stuff!

Updated as of February 14th, 2022. This update includes fixes made while working on this theme’s first CHARACTER PACK.

Please have a look at that!